A timeless task. A timely responsibility.

We live in challenging times. This is an era when we will all have hard decisions to take. Locally and globally. When our values are more important than ever. When we all need to stand up for what we believe. When everyone can make a difference.


Babord unites our family group of companies to ensure we leverage the strength of our shared traditions and values. From shipbuilding and repair through to catching the fish at sea, and from landing and processing through to distribution, we combine the knowledge and expertise of many generations to ensure that we keep our promises.

Our mission is to create healthy, sustainable companies capable of making a positive contribution to the communities they serve. We seek to inspire employees and potential employees to work towards something greater than just themselves – their own local community. With a focus on delivering local jobs, local value creation and support for local community initiatives, we aim to make a difference. Our presence should help to create attractive and dynamic communities.

But our values and culture embrace more than community, we’re also driven to ensure that we do everything we can to help protect our marine environment and our planet. As a knowledge-based organisation with a high focus on learning, we expect our employees to maintain both our ethical and environmental standards at all times.

Long-term sustainability always underpins our thinking. From building energy-efficient hybrid boats to protecting Norwegian fish stocks, we encourage everyone in the Babord Group to take personal responsibility for keeping the promises we’ve made to our customers, our colleagues and ourselves. It’s about showing respect for others, and for our planet, while still ensuring we get the job done. And that is a responsibility we take very seriously.

The Babord tradition of sustainable harvesting runs deeper than the cold clear waters we fish.